Team Member

David Strong

John Slofstra
Educational Advisor
Tel: 778-678-0022
Fax: 778-678-0029

Mr. John Slofstra has 32 years of teaching experience at Pacific Christian School and over 25 years of experience in international education, and is accustomed to bringing international students into first-class school destinations. Included in his experience are long-term associations with sister schools in Asia, a one-year teaching program in Japan, ten trips oversees to both Asia and Europe and countless personal experiences as a Homestay father. Mr. Sloftra has extensive experience in developing programs that help international students live and study in an environment that challenges them in countless ways. Mr. Slofstra not only delivers challenging academic programs, diverse extra-curricular activities and outstanding opportunities in areas like music, home economics, technical education, outdoor education and theatre, but also curriculum and experiences that nurture students in critical thinking and enjoyable service.